Flipped Classroom explained

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning have posted a graphic and two videos to explain what in entailed in ‘flipping’ your classroom. It is one of the best explanations I have seen. As personal technology use expands in our school with the implementation of BYOD, Flipped Classroom is now a possibility.

“Flipped classroom or flipped learning is a methodology, an approach to learning in which technology is employed to reverse the traditional role of classroom time. If in the past, classroom time is spent at lecturing to students , now in a flipped model, this time is utilized to encourage individualized learning and provide one-on-one help to students.”
Screen Shot 2014-11-14 at 8.58.06 am

2 thoughts on “Flipped Classroom explained

  1. Alinda,
    Thank you for the marvellous day in your library in October and for sharing all the splendid work ! I believe I told you about the project I have with a former colleague to write a book about GI in Swedish and that I thought that your experiences could be valuable to him/to us. Is it ok if he gets in touch with you and if so: do you have an email address that he could use or what´s the best way to communicate for you?
    Yours, Lena

    • Hello Lena
      I really enjoyed your visit last year and learned a lot from you!

      I apologise it has taken so long to reply to your message. We are just going back to work now after our long summer break and although I saw the message it has taken me a while to reply.

      I would be happy to communicate with your colleague about his book so please just let him have this email address: asheerman@gmail.com
      Feel free to write to me any time!

      Kind regards

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