Web Based Bloom’s Taxonomy

The use of Guided Inquiry or any Inquiry learning framework can be integrated with the use of web-based tools that extend creativity or assist in the organisation and documentation of the shared learning experience.

This post by Med Kharbach, the founder and author of Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, introduces web-based tools for each level of Blooms Taxonomy. These tools can be selected strategically to support learning in each step of Guided Inquiry.
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Bloom’s Taxonomy in action

The following video illustrates activities at each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy in a classroom setting – activities and instruction. Theory and more ideas (including digital support) can be found at these sites – thanks for the links goes to Jennie Bales
Bloom’s Taxonomy Blooms Digitally
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Resources

Our Year 10 students will be incorporating this theory into their Guided Inquiry unit of work this term. It will assist them to construct a deep question for their research, analyse their findings and create solutions to selected issues. Bloom’s taxonomy can also be used by teachers as a tool for differentiation and assessment.

iPad Apps for Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy

Kathy Schrock has revised her former Bloomin’ Apps for iPads into a format showing the “interlocking of the cognitive processes”. Appropriate Google Apps and Web2 Apps are also charted below these.

Since the cognitive processes are meant to be used when necessary, and any learner goes up and down the categories as they create new knowledge, I was thinking another type of image might be more explanatory.

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iPad Apps – Bloom’s Taxonomy

Kathy Schrock’s Blookin’ iPad has a wonderful chart organising iPad Apps according to their use within Bloom’s Taxonomy . She would like more people to fill in the Google Survey if they have found other useful Apps.

Having looked for some time for a simple ‘mindmapping’ tool, I was excited to trial the one suggested here and then upgraded for $2.99 for added features.

Ralph Pirozzo visits Broughton

Ralph Pirozzo will spend Monday 28 June with our staff developing work units using the Planning Matrix for which he is well known in educational circles. His website spells it all out www.pli.com.au

Staff will spend some time during the Professional Development week curriculum planning following his workshops.