Daisy Chain is a short animated movie made by Australian film-maker Galvin Scott Davis and narrated by Kate Winslet. It is has an anti-bullying theme and an App is also available. Amanda Meade reviewed it recently in The Guardian
Category Archives: Apps
Periodic Table of iPad Apps
A tool for everything
This chart found on David Andrade’ blog Educational technology Guy covers most educational activities and provides relevant tools to assist in making or sharing. As new tools pop up all the time this updates many lists I have collected before.
iPad Apps – aligned to learning
Collaboration tools
Saomya Saxena posted a list of 20 ‘Real-Time’ tools on the EdTechReview blog. These are annotated to make selection easier. Each one suits a slightly different purpose so thankfully holidays and time for ‘exploration’ are just around the corner!
iPad Apps for Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
Kathy Schrock has revised her former Bloomin’ Apps for iPads into a format showing the “interlocking of the cognitive processes”. Appropriate Google Apps and Web2 Apps are also charted below these.
Since the cognitive processes are meant to be used when necessary, and any learner goes up and down the categories as they create new knowledge, I was thinking another type of image might be more explanatory.
App Guide to Autism and Education
“The first comprehensive, rigorous and professional app guide
Over 600+ quality app reviews constantly expanding and updated
Targeted for students with autism and language disorders
Apps are evaluated based on their support for Evidenced Based Practices
Tested and appraised using an empirically evaluated rubric
Now incorporating Bloom’s levels of thinking
Compiled by a respected Speech Language Professional with over 25 years experience”
Teachers: best apps to keep organised using your iPad
Evaluating Apps for Education
It’s that time of year – end of term evaluation is taking place; evaluation of the products of students’ work, of outcomes achieved, of teaching methodologies…
As we move into the use of technology in the classroom using Apps on hand held devices, how should we be evaluating Apps when we purchase them and before we use and recommend them? This rubric from a post by Tony Vincent on LearningHand is valuable.
Benefits of K-12 Libraries! National Simultaneous Storytime
Yesterday we celebrated reading and picture books by taking part in the National Simultaneous Storytime event. Right across Australia, in schools and public libraries, children gathered to read The very cranky bear by Nick Bland at 11:00AM.
Three Kindergarten classes came to the IRC where they were enthralled to see and hear the story unfold through the use of the iPad App “The very cranky bear” which was screened on the Smart Board.
A group of Year 10 students then performed a Reader’s Theatre production of the book
…after which the children heard the story again – taking the part of the bear. Roars of sixty very “cranky bears” filled the IRC followed by the appearance of Happy Bear masks at the end of the story.
Not many of the thirty Senior Year 12 students “studying” in the IRC did much work that period – they also chose to enjoy the experience!
Khan Academy – Videos for Learning
This website (with recently released free App) has a wealth of videos on educational topics – mathematical concepts, biology, art, history and more. Secondary teachers: Integrating one into lesson revision or as a starting place for discussion would work well with these videos. Many are available on YouTube and can therefore be embedded into Moodle lessons.
Apps plus SMART Board – ‘switched on learning’ @ Broughton
This morning one of our teachers used an iPad App to teach her PDHPE class about the human heart. The IRC’s new SMART Board attached to an iPad had the students enthralled – as of course did the teacher’s excellent demonstrations,manipulation of the App and her questioning techniques! It was a wonderful example of quality teaching and switched on learning!
Online tools for schools
iPads at school – a report on educational benefits
iPad Apps – this blog is very helpful
Carisa Kluver’s blog “The Digital Media Diet” illustrates some fabulous iPad Apps for the reluctant reader. also take note of her other contributions and links on the side bar.